Jump shot on the magnificent view of Mount Pinatabo
4x4 Jeepney going to mount Pinatubo
Magnificent view of Pinatubo lake

Capas National Shrime

The Capas National Shrine is a memorial to the Filipino and American soldiers who died in Camp O’Donnell at the end of the Bataan Death March. The shrine encompasses 54 hectares of parkland, 35 hectares of which have been planted with rows of trees to represent each of the deceased. A 70-meter obelisk towers above the grounds of the former interment camp. The obelisk is surrounded by a black marble wall engraved with the names of the Filipinos and Americans known to have died.

View of Capas National Shrine

Nearby is a small museum and a smaller monument built by the Battling Bastards of Bataan honoring the American dead at Camp O’Donnell.

The poem below sums up the difficulty of being a Filipino soldier during WW2

I was a Filipino soldier,
A soldier of MacArthur.
My denim pants were short cut,
My helmet made from a coconut
And the Japs killed us each day.
Do you think it was that easy
To be a soldier of MacArthur?
The coffee was weak and cold
The rice was moldy and old
and all for five pesos a day.
